I am not winning the battle against advancing years and bereavement and injury regrettably mean that I am having to "downsize"

Most of these items were brought with me when I emigrated to Spain in the early 1990s.  They are, of course, available to everyone, but will have a special nostalgic memory to many fellow "SAFFAS"  All were acquired in Southern Africa, many from the 1960s.

Part proceeds will go to the charities AGE CONCERN and also to ADANA, the marvellous rescue centre in Estepona for abandoned and mis-treated animals.

1992 - Goodbye to my Hyde Park Corner Johannesburg Gallery in South Africa.

1993 - Hello to the ancient Berber Fort where I started work gathering local rugs near Marrakech, North Africa.

THE SOUTH AFRICAN LANDSCAPE provided the artist John Meyer an endless choice of subjects. I asked him to paint a scene for me so that everytime I looked at it I would smell the dust. His portrayal of "Grootvloek Vlei", together with the borehole, does just that. Size, unframed, signed on the reverse, is 25 x 35 cms. Euros 250.

NICE FIND IN GREENMARKET SQUARE. An antique cooking pot for vegetables and suet puddings. This was made by Grimwades in Stoke, England, circa 1900. They managed to make ceramic cookware until 1960. Instructions and a list of their other items are featured inside. Euros 35.

LEFT SHOWS a European Bee Eater and right hand drawing is of a Lilac Breasted Roller, native of East Africa but ranging as far south as Kwa Zulu.

DICK FINDLAY (1928 - 1996) WAS ONE OF THE BEST SOUTH AFRICAN ARTISTS OF HIS GENERATION. He specialised not only in captivating portaits of wildlife animals and birds, but was an accomplished illustrator of magazines and textbooks. This pair are signed and dated 1959. His prices fetched at auctions range from USD 200 to 1,000. Size (unframed) both 34 x 24 cms. Euros 65 the pair.

IN 1968 I DISCOVERED this mid 19th century cooking pot in a junk filled warehouse in Johannesburg where it suffered the indignity of being used to prop up one side of a shelf. It bore the label of The British Antique Dealers Association, a much sought after award in the world of antiques world wide. My well meaning cleaning lady rubbed it off!!!! Very heavy and used for serious cooking and looks great as a kitchen fruit bowl Euros 45.

THE SMALL TOWN OF WORCESTER was once a major centre for both the wool and wine industries in the Cape. No doubt the store at 49 Stockenstroom Street was a vital part. The inscription above the telephone number (482) reads "Sprinbok Wines and Brandies". Unfortunately today its memories are under the foundations of the new commercial centre. Use it to contain a large display of dried grasses and flowers. Euros 55.

THE SPLASH BACK tiles are among the most beautiful in delicate colour and graceful design I have seen.

IN THE BOER WAR FROM 1899 TO 1902 it was the habit of British officers to have a washstand like this for morning washing and shaving. Most of these items were supplied by the Army and Navy Store in London`s Victoria Street. This is a fine example, made of oak with a beautiful, delicate, ceramic tile back. After the war many found their way into hotels and large houses. I found this in a small shop in Halfway House and it has been the perfect greeting as a hall table since. The marble top half is separate and can be turned over to make a smaller volume for shipping. Euros 265.

THE DREADED MONOTONE VUVUZELA (South African Horn) inflicted itself on the crowds attending the World football cup back in 2010. Fortunately there is more serene, silent and versatile memory if you can find it. This memorial jug serves as a coffee mug, desk pen holder, tooth brush storer and ever rarer shelf decoration. Love it daily. Euros 20.

I AM CLAUSTROPHOBIC. I still cannot believe that I entered a series of wire cages which took me 2,9 KILOMTRES - OR 1,8 MILES below the earth`s surface to the bottom of the City Deep Gold Mine in Johannesburg where I was allowed to take this piece of gold bearing rock as a souvenir. It weighs 400 grammes and, if you look very very carefully you can count 41 tiny pinpricks of pure gold. There you go ----- own your own gold mine for just 50 euros.

SOUTH AFRICAN STREET ART. It would be easy to class this metal bird as junk if you first saw it lying in a pile of metal objects in the grass of a traffic island at a set of traffic lights on a Johannesburg highway. I asked the trader why he chose this venue for his "Shop". He told me that as it was a traffic light controlled junction he got to speak to potential customers (like me) for one minute out of every two. !! It was a regular route for me so once out of every two passes I made I got to speak to him. The pigeon is a perfect scale replica of the real thing, complete with bright eyes and the wide claw feet these birds have. My new pet freaked the airport metal detector because I only travelled with a carry on bag, The Malaga customs man wanted to see the invoice................ Jah, well.. Euros 25.

A PAIR OF BRONZE MADE CAPE HUNTING DOGS. Although called Cape Hunting Dogs they are found throughout national parks in Southern Africa and as far north as the Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya. They were made in 1977 by an artist called Pont and bear his signature and date. He was well known for his realistic portrayals of several species of wild animals. Fine work. Euros 285 the pair.

EMPTY, SADLY. Now looking for a nostalgic owner needing a rare storage box. Euros 5.

I FOUND THIS ELEGANT CARVING ON THE ZAMBIAN SIDE OF THE VICTORIA FALLS back in 1968. It is very heavy and made with a rich dark hardwood which is smuggled in from Zaire. Livingstone because of its proximity to this unique area where Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and the Caprivi Strip all meet is a logical centre for goods being dispersed widely and quickly. Euros 25.

FOR OUR SAFFAS FROM GQEBERHA - a little relic from a long standing company called "Donne and Robinson" of Port Elizabeth who bottled their range of cold drinks such as mineral water, ginger beer and others in these heavy stone bottles. There is a local market for these decades old items, especially the ones which are inscribed. They make a very pleasant country style jar in which to put a few flowers. In the early 1970s I worked for a few days every 6 weeks in Port Elizabeth. There was a marvellous junk shop opposite Mastersons the coffee grinders. I could never decide which was best to visit. Euros 15.

NOT MANY SODA WATER DISPENSING BOTTLES SURVIVE AFTER USE which is a pity because they can be so interesting and decorative, especially a matching pair like these. The colour is rich and deep, and yet light enough for the owner to read the words enclosed in the glass. CASTLE proclaims it is the maker with Dan. J. Sim, at the Mineral Water and Ice works in Johannesburg. They are also heavy and therefore stable to stand up. Use the pair together in the bathroom for oils, or for flowers or a display of dried grasses and wildflowers in the kitchen. Euros 56 the pair.

WE NEVER HAD AN OPEN FIRE IN OUR JOHANNESBURG HOUSE thus the problem of making a large gaping hole interesting arose. The solution came to me when I was driving through the Karoo - a journey inspired by reading the text book written by Dr. Marius Barnard and seeing his stark images. I found this old tin bath which had the perfect dimensions for the job and later, near Hopetown, a pile of gourdes, some of which were being turned into water containers. I bought 9. Problem solved. Don`t wait for a fireplace, find a space and enjoy the feeling of having made something special out of very little. Bath and contents, Euros 65.

A MAGNIFICANT BAG, made for me in Namibia from the most supple, soft, buffalo hide leather. There is a spacious centre compartment flanked on each side by two separate full width pockets which are closed by zips. Euros 85.

IT DOES NOT MATTER in which direction you look there is seldom another person, or even car, near you.

"KAROO" depicts the harsh arid Karoo desert to perfection. Maybe because the author, Dr. Marius Barnard, cardiac surgeon of Groote Schuur fame, is himself from its major town, Beaufort West. Euros 35.

FREE presentation and storage lined box. The cufflinks used to make this pair are hall marked. The marks are of the "Lion Passant" (The walking lion) and a Leopard head. This hall mark is confirmed as being from London in 1956. The silver is of 925 grade.

TIME FOR SOME RHODESIAN MEMORIES. I kept this pair of Rhodesian shillings, or 10 cent pieces from 1964 and later that year had to be in London for work. I took these to a jeweler with a vague idea about doing "something" with them. He suggested cuff links and had a couple among his "bits and pieces" drawer. These both had the hallmarks of a lion passant (walking lion) and a leopard which confirm they are both 925 grade silver from London in the year 1956. End result was a completely unique set. Could be a fascinating birthday or christmas gift. Euros 65.

WEDGWOOD JASPAR WARE WAS DEVELOPED IN THE 1770s by Josiah Wedgwood. It is best described as stonenware with a matte finish. The creation of the unusual green jaspar ware cuff links dates back to the 1970s. Make very interesting presents. This pair comes with its own green jaspar ware pot for storage. Euros 55.

MOST UNUSUAL black jaspar ware Wedgwood cufflinks with matching tie pin. Euros 35 for all three items.

JUDGING FROM THE LIST OF AGENTS these were the state of the art extinguishers of the day with agents throughout South Africa and as far north as Bulawayo.

IN 1967 THE OLD BUILDING IN ELOFF STREET AT THE CORNER OF JEPPE WAS DEMOLISHED. It was an old dingy building with flights of stone stairs and a cranky metal cage lift. However on each floor, attached to the wall was a fire extinguisher, one of which I saved from the demolishers. It has served as a unique lamp ever since and now needs a good home. It is 64 cms. high (without the shade) The copper and brass base polishes well and makes for a fascinating piece of Johannesburg history. Euros 95.

SWAZILAND (now ESWATINI) HAS MANY ARTISANAL CRAFT CENTRES and weaving of all types of dried grasses into useful items is common. This woven bag shows the skill of weaver, not only in the fineness of the weave but the embellishments as well. The "beads" are actually dried seed husks of a local bush. An example of using local, free, materials and making something useful. I found it in the village of Big Bend where Swaziland joins Mozambique. Euros 25.

DO NOT FORGET KIMBERLY..................In the second half of the 1800s it was a major commercial centre for what was eventually to become South Africa. In fact the presence of major companies with headquarters there was the motivation for a young Englishman called William Shilling to emigrate and establish "The Shilling Factory", makers and suppliers of mineral waters and other drinks in Stockdale Street. Its evolution and contribution is well documented in the Kimberly Museum. His packaging was innovative and for his "Aerated Water Factor" he developed this unusual glass bottle which has a glass marble in the neck. It is visible in the photo. I am sure you would like gold or diamonds as a memento from your old city, but the bottle has an equally interesting history. Euros 20.